Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Hope for Paralyzed Patients!
Article: In Breakthrough Study, Paralyzed Patients Move a Robotic Arm With Their Own Thoughts
Author: Rebecca Boyle
(Pop Science)
This story is about a paralyzed patient named Cathy Hutchinson. Cathy Hutchinson has been paralyzed for fifteen years. Basically, the BrainGate interface aided Cathy to drink a cup of coffee by moving a robotic arm with her thoughts. This was done by using a cup-shaped dome which powered her neural implant. Since she was thinking about holding the cup of coffee, signals were captured from her motor cortex. These signals were sent to the robotic arm. In response, the robotic arm followed the commands and moved the coffee cup towards Cathy's mouth. Then, Cathy took a long sip of coffee. She felt as if this was the first time in fifteen years where she could drink coffee on her own. This idea can change the lives of people who are paralyzed. This breakthrough study occurred at the Brown University and Massachusetts General Hospital. The robots were developed in Germany. Also, this study probably started months ago, but it was most recently noted on May 16, 2012. Neuroscientis and engineers from the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics created the robotic arm with the purpose to eventually help people with paralysis live a more independent life. They also intend to provide technology which will help movement by using brain signals. In other words, scientists desire to connect the brain's power to limbs.

In my opinion, this topic of study is very beneficial for paralyzed patients. I feel that by using robotic arms, it will make their lives easier. These robotic arms are professional and are designed to help those who suffer from paralysis. I feel that the idea of robotic arms is unique and can definitely make a difference in many people's lives. Also, this is a great feat for neuroscience and engineering. These scientists can finally understand that they have the power to control the thoughts of one's mind. In this manner, they can use the brain to help people with other disorders. Therefore, I believe the idea of robotic arms will help paralyzed patients with daily tasks and will change the science world.

Robotic Arm
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Bricks Cut Carbon Emissions
Article: Bricks Cut Carbon Emissions
Author: Jesse Emspak
(Discovery Channel)
Picture Sources:
Carbon-Negative Picture #1:
"Go Green" Picture:
"Carbon-negative....Earth Positive" Picture:
Carbon-Negative Picture #2:
Ceramic Brick Picture:
This fascinating story is about a British company named Encos that makes bricks. This company is no ordinary brick-making company. As most us know, brick-making is carbon-intensive because lots of energy is needed while firing the bricks. Instead of taking this usual path of brick-making, Encos is "going green". Encos has found a way to build bricks that are carbon-negative. Because of Encos' effort to produce bricks without carbon, the company has become well-known throughout Britain. How were they able to develop bricks without emissions of carbon? Well, Encos says they use particlulate matter, waste from coal, and sewage slurry. These three matters are then mixed with vegetable oil. The interior of the vegetable oil consists of the molecules glycerides and triglycerides, which are essential for the making of carbon-negative bricks. Next, the mixture (not chemically combined) is heated, and as a result, a chemical reaction occurs. Basically, the heat forces the glycerides and triglycerides to bond, forming carbon atoms. These carbon atoms cause the particles inside a brick to come together.

In my opinion, making carbon-negative bricks is a savior to our Earth. I indeed admire Encos' effort to save our planet. For example, Encos has been reducing carbon emissions in our atmosphere. As a greenhouse gas, carbon is released into our atmosphere and absorbs infrared radiation, which can harm us humans. Secondly, Encos is saving heat energy that would be used for a traditional ceramic brick. For these reasons, I agree with Encos' idea to make carbon-negative bricks. Finally, I feel that Encos' carbon-negative bricks will influence other companies to "go green" and recycle what is left on Earth.
So, what is the better option?
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Carbon Negative |
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Scientists Hijack Mouse Neurons to Take Control
Scientists Hijack Mouse Neurons to Take Control
In a recent study, scientists were involved in a quite interesting experience with the brains of typical mice. The article linked above goes in depth about the thinking of scientists and their implications about working with the brains of mice. This is the source for the first picture below.

![]() | mice-have-become-immune-poison-through-natural-highly unusual-evolution |
Scripps Research Institute in California. This study was officially published on Friday, March 24, but effort was put into establishing this study weeks earlier. This study took place to benefit human health, which is of course a great cause. Basically, many people on the planet are diagnosed with Schrizophrenia or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Mouse Trap (used in lab procedure) These diseases have to do with the breakdown of thought processes, anxiety, and poor emotional responses. Schrizophrenia, in particular, makes it hard for people to tell between real and unreal experiences. By performing these labs with mice, scientists are looking to eventually pave a way for false memory or real memory manipulation within those people who are currently suffering. By hijacking the memories of lab mice and creating altered memories in their minds, scientists concluded that the reactions of mice could be similar to those of humans. Therefore, the only reason why this study occurred was because scientists wanted to find a related drug that could potentially shut down responses of false fears within the corresponding neurons in patients. If this drug was to work, patients could live healthier lives.
After reading this article, my opinion is that the study is unique and beneficial to humans. The concept developed through the labs can really change how Schrizophrenia is treated and can make people's lives easier. Also, the process is not affecting any humans in a negative way so mankind should be thankful. First of all, the study of creating the memory of fear in an area of no shock is totally unbelievable. Not only is it unbelievable, but it is also unique because humans are not being used for trials in labs. Instead, scientists found a different way to create and conduct fear in an animal, such as a mouse. The fact that mice are being used for the purpose of labs brings research to a whole new level. On the other hand, this study is beneficial to humans because diseases like Schrizophrenia and Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder can be possibly cured or aided. After the labs are done, it is possible that companies will manafacture a new drug that will shut down fear in some neurons of humans . I am glad that some of those people out there in the world who are currently suffering from these diseases have a chance for a more healthy life. In addition, I believe that this study is "for our own good" because honestly, humans are not being affected in any way. The idea of humans being involved in labs is totally out of the picture in this study. Humans will neither get physically harmed, nor will they get mentally harmed. If anything is gained from the study, it would be a cure for the diseases involving fear. Also, if anyone is to get hurt in labs, it would be a tested mouse and I believe that scientists are well-prepared to prevent events like this. Not to be inconsiderate of mice, but I care about the health of humans way more. All in all, this study is being analyzed in an interesting way, it influences no harm towards humans, and I have complete faith in it as it trys to prove cures for disorders related to fear.

Other Sources: meaning of Schizophrenia-
definition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-

Friday, March 2, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
A Matter of Change!
Physical and chemical changes happen all the time in the world. The labs which were done last week revolved around similar concepts. Basically, the ideas of physical changes and chemical changes were experienced and fully understood through the exposure to these labs. Since the class was learning about states of matter and the correlations between them, these concepts really helped us understand how matter is altered through specific changes.
To start off with, a physical change is a change of the appearance of a substance, where the identity of the substance does not change. On the other hand, a chemical change is the result of a substance being changed into one or more new substances.

In a similar lab, a lighted candle was met with carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide was composed of the mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Carbon dioxide is a gas. Gas is a phase of matter that does not have a definite shape or volume. The flame of the candle blew out because the presence of the carbon dioxide caused the fire to have no oxygen. This was evident as a chemical change because the fire substance was altered and in fact, it vanished. The knowledge of carbon dioxide can be used in daily life situtations. In the future, if you have problems with fires, you can always put them out by exposing them to carbon dioxide.
In the third lab, we roasted marshmallows for our amusement. In the process of roasting marshmallows, the class discovered a chemical change. Marshmallows were held above a bunsen burner and soon the marshmallow started to burn. The white and solid substance of the marshmallow turned into a burnt and gooey substance. The marshmallow was gooey because it was near a hot fire and its composition melted in some ways. Most importantly, the marshmallow was burnt and the process of combustion is known to be a chemical change. In this lab, the chemical makeup of the marshmallow changed drastically. For another part of this lab, a physical change was identified. The original marshmallow was split into half but no chemical makeup was changed. As a matter of fact, only the appearance of the marshmallow changed. By the way, the marshmallow was known to be a solid only because it had a definite shape and definite volume. The particles inside the marshmallow were closely packed together which made it a solid.
In another lab, the purpose was to burn sugar and identify changes. When the sugar substance was heated on the bunsen burner, the white of the sugar became a burnt and black color. Combustion was evident and I immediately knew that it was a chemical change. The original composition of the sugar was changed into a burnt mixture. The burnt mixture had a bit of yellow in it too. Also, since water was combined with sugar when the substance was heated, the water evaporated. Basically, a liquid turned into a gas. In other words, the water changed into water vapor. A liquid is a state of matter which is known to have a definite volume, but no definite shape. Knowledge of evaporation can help people understand how water vapor forms in the future.

Therefore, in all four labs, physical changes and chemical changes were experienced. Some changes included melting, combustion, and evaporation. Also, the key points of these labs can be helpful in understanding situations in the future. For instance, the melting of a substance is a major physical change. When you are cutting a birthday cake in the future, you should make sure to blow out your candle soon enough so it doesn't melt into your cake. Also, combustion definitely changes the chemical make up of an object. Burning has to do with fire and when fire encounters an object it is likely to burn the object. The fire will also create a chemical build up, changing the object's composition. In daily life, you should be aware that fire could change the internal and external make up of anything it catches onto. For example, when you are making a campfire, fire burns the wood. The chemical change is that the wood could turn to ash. A final example of a change in matter is with an ice cube. In the future, an ice cube could physically change to water through the process of melting.
Some citations:,r:17,s:0
Monday, January 9, 2012
Science Lab Procedure
Science Lab Procedure
1. Carefully, pick out the transparent stone from the cup with your fingers and place it on the given tray. This stone is the solid object with the biggest mass compared to the other smaller solid objects, so it will be easy to identify. Also, this is a heterogeneous mixture so you can easily see this material.
2. Simply, pull out the three toothpicks (one red toothpick, two yellow toothpicks) from the cup and separate from the other materials in the lab. All the toothpicks fall under one category.
3. Using the given spoon, scoop out the pebbles from the mixture in the cup and put them aside from the rest of the substances.
4. Poor everything from the cup into the beaker. This includes every part in the remaining mixture.
5. Using the magnet, attract the iron filings which look like black powder. The iron particles will stick to the magnet and you can put the substance away from the other substances. You can gather the iron filings by slowly hovering the magnet against the glass of the beaker.
6. With the homogeneous mixture in the beaker, separate sand with the salt/water mixture. In order to do this, first place the given funnel over the beaker and a paper filter on top of the funnel.
7. To complete the goal of separating sand from the salt/water mixture, gently poor the solution from the beaker onto the paper filter. Since the water and salt are mixed together as one, the mixture can pass through the paper filter. The purpose of the paper filter is to just allow the water mixture to pass through. The water/salt mixture will then flow through the funnel and back into the beaker. On the other hand, the sand doesn't have the ability to pass through the filter paper so it will stay on the top surface of the paper.
8. Place the filter paper with the sand aside on the tray.
9. Now that the only remaining duty for separation is to separate the water from the salt, place the beaker of the salt/water mixture on top of the hot plate.
10. Turn on the hot plate by plugging the hot plate wire into the closest outlet. The hot plate will take time to heat up so be patient.
11. Observe as the heating mechanism forces the water to be evaporated from the mixture. The result of this is the water will disappear from the mixture. Therefore, the salt is left alone and the water is in the air, separate from the other substances.
12. Identify that you have discovered and separated seven substances successfully. Congratulations!
13. Clean up all the materials given in the lab. This includes disposing the correct materials based on the teacher's directions, washing the beaker, plugging out the hot plate, and placing all the assigned materials on the tray neatly.
1. Carefully, pick out the transparent stone from the cup with your fingers and place it on the given tray. This stone is the solid object with the biggest mass compared to the other smaller solid objects, so it will be easy to identify. Also, this is a heterogeneous mixture so you can easily see this material.
2. Simply, pull out the three toothpicks (one red toothpick, two yellow toothpicks) from the cup and separate from the other materials in the lab. All the toothpicks fall under one category.
3. Using the given spoon, scoop out the pebbles from the mixture in the cup and put them aside from the rest of the substances.
4. Poor everything from the cup into the beaker. This includes every part in the remaining mixture.
5. Using the magnet, attract the iron filings which look like black powder. The iron particles will stick to the magnet and you can put the substance away from the other substances. You can gather the iron filings by slowly hovering the magnet against the glass of the beaker.
6. With the homogeneous mixture in the beaker, separate sand with the salt/water mixture. In order to do this, first place the given funnel over the beaker and a paper filter on top of the funnel.
7. To complete the goal of separating sand from the salt/water mixture, gently poor the solution from the beaker onto the paper filter. Since the water and salt are mixed together as one, the mixture can pass through the paper filter. The purpose of the paper filter is to just allow the water mixture to pass through. The water/salt mixture will then flow through the funnel and back into the beaker. On the other hand, the sand doesn't have the ability to pass through the filter paper so it will stay on the top surface of the paper.
8. Place the filter paper with the sand aside on the tray.
9. Now that the only remaining duty for separation is to separate the water from the salt, place the beaker of the salt/water mixture on top of the hot plate.
10. Turn on the hot plate by plugging the hot plate wire into the closest outlet. The hot plate will take time to heat up so be patient.
11. Observe as the heating mechanism forces the water to be evaporated from the mixture. The result of this is the water will disappear from the mixture. Therefore, the salt is left alone and the water is in the air, separate from the other substances.
12. Identify that you have discovered and separated seven substances successfully. Congratulations!
13. Clean up all the materials given in the lab. This includes disposing the correct materials based on the teacher's directions, washing the beaker, plugging out the hot plate, and placing all the assigned materials on the tray neatly.
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