Monday, January 9, 2012

Science Lab Procedure

Science Lab Procedure

1. Carefully, pick out the transparent stone from the cup with your fingers and place it on the given tray. This stone is the solid object with the biggest mass compared to the other smaller solid objects, so it will be easy to identify. Also, this is a heterogeneous mixture so you can easily see this material.

2. Simply, pull out the three toothpicks (one red toothpick, two yellow toothpicks) from the cup and separate from the other materials in the lab. All the toothpicks fall under one category.

3. Using the given spoon, scoop out the pebbles from the mixture in the cup and put them aside from the rest of the substances.

4. Poor everything from the cup into the beaker. This includes every part in the remaining mixture.

5.  Using the magnet, attract the iron filings which look like black powder. The iron particles will stick to the magnet and you can put the substance away from the other substances. You can  gather the iron filings by slowly hovering the magnet against the glass of the beaker.

6. With the homogeneous mixture in the beaker, separate sand with the salt/water mixture. In order to do this, first place the given funnel over the beaker and a paper filter on top of the funnel.

7. To complete the goal of separating sand from the salt/water mixture, gently poor the solution from the beaker onto the paper filter. Since the water and salt are mixed together as one, the mixture can pass through the paper filter. The purpose of the paper filter is to just allow the water mixture to pass through. The water/salt mixture will then flow through the funnel and back into the beaker. On the other hand, the sand doesn't have the ability to pass through the filter paper so it will stay on the top surface of the paper.

8. Place the filter paper with the sand aside on the tray.

9. Now that the only remaining duty for separation is to separate the water from the salt, place the beaker of the salt/water mixture on top of the hot plate.

10. Turn on the hot plate by plugging the hot plate wire into the closest outlet. The hot plate will take time to heat up so be patient.

11. Observe as the heating mechanism forces the water to be evaporated from the mixture. The result of this is the water will disappear from the mixture. Therefore, the salt is left alone and the water is in the air, separate from the other substances.

12. Identify that you have discovered and separated seven substances successfully. Congratulations!

13. Clean up all the materials given in the lab. This includes disposing the correct materials based on the teacher's directions, washing the beaker, plugging out the hot plate, and placing all the assigned materials on the tray neatly.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Extra Credit! - Due Jan 7th

Respond to the following quote:
"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom."

By educating one, he/she is free to reach closer towards a goal. For example, a goal could be executing a high-profile job. A person should be qualified with a certain level of education to earn them a good job. Basically, education is the process of learning new things and developing skills. These skills enable a wider and more open range of opportunities. In my opinion, the more educated you are, the freer you can be in life. With a good education, you can open doors to a variety of venues and you can think in all directions. If one solution doesn't work, you are free to move to other ideas and this will give you a good lifestyle. Also, this enables for you to earn enough for a living and to make a difference in other people's lives too. By thinking big and helping others, you are earning a good placement in life. On the other hand, many people with a high level of education are well-respected by others. This gives you freedom to associate with more people around the world. Therefore, education definitely plays a big role in the journey to every aspect of freedom.