Friday, May 18, 2012

Hope for Paralyzed Patients!

Article: In Breakthrough Study, Paralyzed Patients Move a Robotic Arm With Their Own Thoughts
Author: Rebecca Boyle
(Pop Science)

     This story is about a paralyzed patient named Cathy Hutchinson. Cathy Hutchinson has been paralyzed for fifteen years. Basically, the BrainGate interface aided Cathy to drink a cup of coffee by moving a robotic arm with her thoughts. This was done by using a cup-shaped dome which powered her neural implant. Since she was thinking about holding the cup of coffee, signals were captured from her motor cortex. These signals were sent to the robotic arm. In response, the robotic arm followed the commands and moved the coffee cup towards Cathy's mouth. Then, Cathy took a long sip of coffee. She felt as if this was the first time in fifteen years where she could drink coffee on her own. This idea can change the lives of people who are paralyzed. This breakthrough study occurred at the Brown University and Massachusetts General Hospital. The robots were developed in Germany. Also, this study probably started months ago, but it was most recently noted on May 16, 2012. Neuroscientis and engineers from the DLR Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics created the robotic arm with the purpose to eventually help people with paralysis live a more independent life. They also intend to provide technology which will help movement by using brain signals. In other words, scientists desire to connect the brain's power to limbs.

            In my opinion, this topic of study is very beneficial for paralyzed patients. I feel that by using robotic arms, it will make their lives easier. These robotic arms are professional and are designed to help those who suffer from paralysis. I feel that the idea of robotic arms is unique and can definitely make a difference in many people's lives. Also, this is a great feat for neuroscience and engineering. These scientists can finally understand that they have the power to control the thoughts of one's mind. In this manner, they can use the brain to help people with other disorders. Therefore, I believe the idea of robotic arms will help paralyzed patients with daily tasks and will change the science world.
Robotic Arm

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